In a land far, far away a brave young bird started a journey.
He went by the name of… Siheky. He traveled far, and he traveled wide.
The journey was treacherous as no land was near.
It got pretty lonely with no one by his side. Afraid and alone, grew greater his fear.
He longed for a home, a place where he would belong.

To his surprise, while flying one day, he heard this beautiful song.
It called out to him, this beautiful melody.
Of laughter and cheer, it was a place he had longed to be.
He landed upon the sun-kissed beach of the beautiful Pacific Islands Club .
Happiness and joy filled the air, the spirit of PIC drew Siheky near.
Was this a dream or did Siheky's wish finally come true?
But this would be the beginning of Siheky's long-lived tale.

The people loved Siheky, and Siheky grew fond of them too.
However, Siheky longed for companionship like his kind to share the joy of
PIC and the adventures it held.
Siheky called out for his younger sister, Sandy, hoping she’d join him at PIC. Through the same beautiful song that guided Siheky, Sandy was led to the grounds of PIC.
Reunited at last, Siheky and Sandy celebrated and happy as ever could be...
They found a place they could call home, bringing fun and adventure to their new joyous home.

The people loved Siheky and Sandy, two mascots that were meant to be.
Siheky and Sandy was indeed a beautiful gift to PIC.
Their presence symbolizing family, warmth and shared fun adventures,
Siheky and Sandy, once in search of a place to call their own, realized true contentment in the bonds of friendship and family.
Together, they made PIC their home, creating cherished memories that would last a lifetime.


  • Siheky〝翠鳥〞作為吉祥物的由來?
